Lead Developer: Aang23 (F4LAU)
Additional Developers
- Arved MØKDS Twitter
- Blobtoe
- CO2ESP Twitter
- Daniel Ekman (SA2KNG) Twitter
- Digitelektro Twitter
- Felix OK9UWU Twitter
- Fred Jansen Twitter
- Jpjonte
- LazzSnazz Twitter
- Mark Pentier
- MeteoOleg Twitter
- Oleg Kutkov Twitter
- Peter Kooistra Twitter
- Piefadase
- Ryzerth Twitter
- Raov UB8QBD Twitter
- Sam (@sam210723) Twitter
- Scott Tilley (VE7TIL) Twitter
- Tomi HA6NAB
Special Thanks to
- microp11 (Paul Maxan), for the reverse-engineering work & Scytale-C
Libraries included in libsatdump_core
- bzip2, for BZIP2 decompression utilized on MetOp admin messages and Himawaricast
- ctpl, for thread pools used over the program
- deepspace-turbo, used for Turbo decoding
- dlfcn-win32, to use the usual dlopen() functions on Windows
- ImGui, for the user interface
- imgui_markdown, to render composite info popups and the about screen
- implot, to display images in the viewer
- libaec, with OpenSatelliteProject’s path
- libcorrect, for Reed-Solomon decoding
- libjpeg, from the Independent JPEG Group
- libOpenCL-loader, for OpenCL on Android
- libpredict, used for orbit prediction
- Lua, used for complex image composites
- miniz, used to decompress ZIP files in some decoders
- MuParser, for expression parsing (such as in composites)
- Nlhohmann’s JSON, for JSON and CBOR encoding/parsing
- OpenCL C++ Headers, for OpenCL support
- OpenJP2, for JPEG-2000 support on GOES GRB, FY4, and more
- Portable File Dialogs, for native files dialogs
- QOI, for qoi image support
- RapidXML, for XML Parsing
- sol2, C++ Bindings for LUA
- UTF-8 CPP, for UTF-8 handling
- xdsopl’s LDPC, utilized for LDPC codes encoding/decoding
Libraries included in plugins / Code taken from and in plugins
- Elektro/Arktika, DecompWT, custom wavelet compression/decompression library originally used for MSG xRIT
- GK-2A, libtomcrypt, for DES decryption
- Inmarsat, libacars, for ACARS parsing
- Inmarsat, mbelib, for AMBE audio decompression
- Inmarsat, libaeroambe, not the library itself, but the code was adapted (for Ambe decoding)
- Inmarsat, Scytale-C, for STD-C packet formats and parsing
Those libraries above are included directly as they are either header-only, not already present on most systems or required some modifications for the purpose of this software. For the code included, the licenses of each respective library applies.
Projects some code was taken from and included in libsatdump_core
- GNU Radio, for the convolutional decoding / encoding (quite heavily modified) and a few other bits
- gr-dvbs2rx, for TS Parsing and a few other bits
- LeanDVB, for some definitions
- SDR++, for the DSP stream implementation (thanks Ryzerth for the tip back then!) and a few other things, such as the SpyServer client
Libraries linked against
- fftw3, used for all FFT operations
- jemalloc, for memory allocation optimization on Linux and macOS
- libpng, for PNG image loading/saving
- nng, for network stuff
- PortAudio, used for audio output for NOAA APT
- Volk, to simplify SIMD utilization
- zlib, required by libpng
SDR Libraries
- Aaronia
- libairspy
- libairspyhf
- libbladerf
- libhackrf
- libiio and libad9361 for PlutoSDR
- libmirisdr4
- librtlsdr
- libsddc
- libsdrplay
- LimeSuite
UI Libraries
- Roboto, for default font
- 3270 Nerd Font, for icons and symbols
- Perfect DOS VGA 437, for Phosphor theme
- PX Sans Nouveaux, for Windows 98 theme
3270 Nerd Font and Roboto have been merged into a single font.ttf